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Advenio eAcademy EQF/MQF Level 7 - Masters in Entrepreneurship
Advenio eAcademy

EQF/MQF Level 7 - Masters in Entrepreneurship


52 up to 74 Weeks


Full time, Part time

Request application deadline

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EUR 9,990 / per year *

Blended, Distance learning

* online - blended € 11990


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The online programme are delivered over a 74 week period and the blended learning programme over a 52 week period as shown above. This is a very demanding 90 ECTS credit programmes involving circa 2,250 study hours. They require students to attend one weekly online tutorial/workshop as an integral part of the self-learning and collaborative learning elements. Students participating in the blended learning courses have the additional mandatory participation in a weekly on-site support class.

1.Foundation Modules

  • Principles of Management Advenio eAcademy, Malta
  • Principles of HRM Szent Istvan University, Hungary
  • Principles of ICT & Information Management, University of Ioannina, Greece
  • Principles of Financial Management, Advenio eAcademy, Malta
  • Principles of Marketing & Sales Advenio eAcademy, Malta

2. Specialist Modules

  • Principles of Entrepreneurship University of Ioannina, Greece
  • Creativity & Innovation Management for SMEs, University of Bari Aldo Moro,Italy
  • Digital Marketing & Social Media for SMEs, University of Zilina, Slovakia
  • Fund-Raising for Start-up and Growth of SMEs, Poltava University of Economics & Trade, Ukraine

3. Research Project

  • Principles of Entrepreneurship University of Ioannina, Greece Creativity & Innovation Management for SMEs, University of Bari Aldo Moro,Italy Digital Marketing & Social Media for SMEs, University of Zilina, Slovakia Fund-Raising for Start-up and Growth of SMEs, Poltava University of Economics & Trade, Ukraine.

The On-line MHEI – ME (Multiple Higher Educational Institution – Masters in Entrepreneurship) is a 74-week part-time programme which brings together multiple Higher Education Institutions to design, develop, implement and operate an online Masters programme in Entrepreneurship.

This programme is more generalist in nature. It is designed to assist practicing entrepreneurs, current managers of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, or managers working within larger organisations who want to make the transition to the SME environment either as entrepreneurs or executives within SMEs. The programme is in response to the market requirements for specialised post graduate quality courses that meet the needs of existing entrepreneurs and small business managers. The focus of this programme is to provide entrepreneurs, or aspiring entrepreneurs, with a higher level of competence to enable them to successfully launch or grow their own SME operation.

This 74 week part-time Masters programme is certified by the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA), formerly known as the National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) in Malta and accreditted at 90 ECTS at Level 7. It is awarded by Advenio eAcademy in collaboration with the Partner HEIs.

The accreditation of the course provides the confirmation of European quality assurance and the automatic recognition of the course within the EU1. The first intake was launched in April 2018 and graduation was held in November 2019. Further intakes were scheduled for 2019 and 2020.

The Blended Learning MHEI-ME programme was launched in April 2019 as a 52-week blended learning full-time programme for students residing in Malta. Advenio eAcademy offered additional on-site weekly support classes to assist students cope with the tighter time frames for the completion of the various course modules. The support classes are held at the English Communications School premises in Sliema. These premises are certified and licensed by the MFHEA for higher education and already host programmes by other educational institutions.

There is a variation in the on-line programme to allow for a shorter completion period. The Blended Learning programme allows for parallel running of various elements. Due to COVID -19 disruptions, in 2020 the MHEI-ME programme is scheduled to start in October. Thereafter intakes will commence in January, April, July and October.


  1. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a standard for comparing the study attainment and performance of students of higher education across the European Union and other collaborating European countries
  2. European Qualifications Framework / Malta Qualifications Framework”

On-site Support Services

The dramatic COVID-19 pandemic which struck in 2020 has impacted travel arrangements between different countries for years to come. Malta has taken a very disciplined approach to combatting this pandemic. Travel restrictions were lifted for flights to and from a number of countries as from July 2020.

On the basis of current guidelines by the relevant authorities, Advenio eAcademy plans to host students in Malta for the blended learning programmes as from October 2020. Due to the possibility of a second COVID-19 wave in Autumn and the expected re-introduction of travel restrictions, arrangements are in place for students to commence their studies on-line in October 2020. On-site classes will be held at the Centre in Malta later in the year once travel restrictions are lifted. Applications for the blended learning programmes will be processed accordingly and the relevant offers of place issued would be for the blended learning programmes in Malta with the proviso that the students may commence their studies online should there be any travel restrictions in place to prevent the student attending classes in Malta.

The Level 5 on-site support classes component is delivered at Advenio eAcademy’s on-site location in Sliema, Malta. This is an accredited educational centre located within the popular English Communication School premises in San Piju V Street in Sliema. The entrance to Advenio eAcademy Centre is through the Lawrenz Street entrance.

MHEI-ME Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Evaluate current personal, team and an organisation’s core competencies;
  • Identify the required knowledge and skill set required for the current, desired job, being it communication skills, theoretical or applied knowledge;
  • Proceed with drafting a personal learning needs plan and plan further studies;
  • Proceed with suggesting team training needs based on current core competencies and needs analysis;
  • Communicate the right attitude on how to best handle obstacles and objections;
  • Interact in group discussions in both written and audio visual form;
  • Operate online media for audio visual communication;
  • Present cases how the use of forums and video conferencing tools can be integrated in a business environment;
  • Analyse and synthesise key concepts and frameworks with clarity and critical reflection.

The learning outcomes described above provide a summary of basic expectations. The MHEI-ME programme is a state-of-the-art EQF/MQF certified programme designed to enable entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs to combine their own entrepreneurial experience with an international academic experience. this programme thus provides them with the concepts and theory as well as direct exposure to international best practice in SME affairs.

Entry Requirements

An applicant must satisfy the entrance requirements for each programme based on:-

  • 2nd Upper Bachelors degree


  • Pass in a Bachelors degree and a minimum of 5 years work experience which should be in an administrative or managerial position in an SME or organisation in which there has been clear execution of management functions, planning, organising, control and leadership. This would need to be demonstrated through relevant letters of reference and a recruitment interview in which the candidate will be asked about his or her relevant SME experience.


  • Proof of Proficiency in the use of the English language, either through an international language course certification,


  • Proof of attendance in a University where the Tuition language was English, OR
  • Proof of working in an international business for more than 4 years where the language used is English.
  • Applicants are notified of the status of their registration upon application, submission of documentation and settlement of fees. In the event that application is rejected, applicants have the right to ask for their personal details to be removed from the system. Alternatively, applicants personal details and documentation are kept for 2 years.

You can access this link to submit your application:

Programme FAQ - L7 Masters in Entrepreneurship

Programme Type & Duration:

1. Is this programme available online?

Yes, the programme is available in Online (Part-time basis) mode andBlended (Full-time basis).

2. What is the duration of this programme?

The duration of Online (Part-time basis) programme is 74 weeks and Blended (Full-time basis) is 52 weeks.

3. How many intakes are available for the programme?

There are four intakes per annum commencing in January, April, July & October.

4. What is the start date for next Intake?

Next intake will commence on 26/07/2021.

5. When is the application deadline for this programme?

The application deadline for the programme is 19/07/2021.

6. In what language is this programme taught?


7. How many European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits the programme offers?

The MQF/EQF Level 7 Online master’s programme in Entrepreneurship is certified with 90 ECTS.

8. Which are the modules of the programme and which of the partner Higher Educational Institutions will deliver each module?

Foundation Modules-

·Principles of Management, Advenio eAcademy, Malta

·Principles of HRM, Szent Istvan University, Hungary

·Principles of ICT & Information Management, University of Ioannina, Greece

·Principles of Financial Management, Advenio eAcademy, Malta

·Principles of Marketing & Sales, Advenio eAcademy, Malta

Specialist Modules-

·Principles of Entrepreneurship University of Ioannina, Greece

·Creativity & Innovation Management for SMEs, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

·Digital Marketing & Social Media for SMEs, University of Zilina, Slovakia

·Fund-Raising for Start-up and Growth of SMEs, Poltava University of Economics & Trade, Ukraine

Research Project-

Research and Development of an investor-ready Business Plan. On-site SME Internship implementation of an embedded business development project

Tuition & Fees:

9. How much does this programme cost?

The Online programme costs Eur9,990 and the Blended programme costs Eur11,990.

10. Can I pay for this programme in instalments?

Yes, The standard terms of payment of the programme fees are the following:-

50% of fees due to be paid upon registration.

50% of fees due to be paid within 30 days of commencement of studies.

11. Is there any application fee or registration fee charged to applicants?

No, apart from the programme fees no other fees are charged to applicants.

12. What other funding options available for this programme?

Local Students: Applicants in Malta will be eligible to get a 70% tax rebate on the programme fee through the Get Qualified Scheme (Click here for more details).

13. Is the programme cost refundable at any chance?

For students opting for the Blended Learning option, the programme fee is refundable in case of visa application rejection. Apart from this, once fees are paid these are not refundable. (In the case of participants who commence their blended learning option by following online modules, in the case of a refund being granted due to visa application rejections, fees will be charged for the online modules).

How to Apply:

14. What is the admission process for this programme?

The relevant Application form is available through the following link Upon receipt of the completed application form a member of staff of Advenio eAcademy will revert back to schedule an online interview for the applicant. Details of any required documentation for the completion of the application will be confirmed during the interview. Successful applicants will be informed of their suitability for the programme and then receive an invoice to pay 50% of the fee. Once the amount is credited, the offer of place will be issued, and students will be informed about further schedules and details of the course.

15. What are the entry requirements for the programme?

Applicants must have a first degree and proof of competence in the English language.

16. Which documents are required to apply to this programme?

After submitting the online application, the following support documentation is to be sent by email to [email protected]

1) Copy of an updated CV

2) Copy of first-degree Certificate and Transcript

3) Proof of competence in the English language

Study Place

17. Where is this campus located?

Advenio eAcademy is situated in Ta Xbiex,Malta. For the blended learning options students will follow the full online programme with additional weekly support classes held at Advenio eAcademy’s on-site location in Sliema, Malta.

18. Does the campus provide accommodation facility for the blended course students?

Accommodation facilities are not offered for the students on campus. Advenio eAcademy utilises third party service providers for accommodation services and such assistance will be provided if required.

About the School


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