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eCampus University Bachelor's degree Automation Engineering
eCampus University

Bachelor's degree Automation Engineering

Milan, Italy

Request duration

English, Italian

Full time

Request application deadline

Oct 2025

Request tuition fees

Distance learning


Specific Learning Targets

Graduates of the degree course in Automation Engineering must:

  • know how to employ the methods of mathematics and other basic sciences to interpret and describe Automation Engineering;
  • know the various methodologies of Engineering sciences in general and those of Automation Engineering in detail;
  • identify, formulate and find a solution to Energy Engineering problems by applying updated methodologies and adequate techniques and tools;
  • know how to apply techniques and tools to the design of components, systems and processes;
  • know how to perform experiments and analyses and interpret the data;
  • understand the impact of the engineering solutions in the social, physical-environmental context;
  • know their professional and ethic responsibility;
  • know the business context and culture in their financial, managerial and organisational aspects;
  • know contemporary contexts;
  • have relational and decisional skills;
  • fluently speak and write one of the European Union languages, in addition to the Italian language;
  • have acquired the specific skills to update their own knowledge.

Occupational and Professional Outlets

Professionals with this job title typically work in the fields of design, construction supervision, and testing of individual components or parts of machines and lines for the production, transmission and distribution of energy, direct instrumental measurements of the technical parameters of plants and machinery. They can work as a professional consultant (junior industrial engineer), in manufacturing or service industries, and in the public administration.

The main occupational and professional areas in which the Automation Engineering graduates can find employment are:

  • electronic, electromechanical, spatial, chemical and aeronautical businesses that scale and implement complex architectures, automated systems, processes and automation technologies that integrate computer components and measurement, transmission and activation devices;
  • the industrial automation and robotics industries;
  • manufacturing businesses in general, for the production, installation, testing, maintenance and management of machines, production lines and departments, and complex systems.

Background knowledge required to access the degree course (Art. 6 D.M. 509/99) (potential assessment)

To be admitted to the degree course in Automation Engineering it is required:

  • a good knowledge of logic, mathematics, physics and chemistry provided by the learning programmes of upper secondary school;
  • the ability to explain clearly and accurately one’s thought in written and oral form;
  • aptitude to use IT technologies;
  • aptitude and motivation to study Engineering.

With reference to the first point, adequate tests to prove basics knowledge can be administered to all students and, in particular, to those who have an upper secondary school curriculum with blind spots in their grounding. If the assessment of the initial grounding does not succeed, students can be admitted with an Educational Debt.

In order to limit educational debts, Course of Study Council can anticipate the setting-up of preparatory learning activities to be performed before taking the test. Such activities can be performed in collaboration with upper secondary schools on the basis of special agreements.

Skills, attitudes and motivations are verified through the assessment of the previous school curriculum or with possible and appropriate tests.

Final examination peculiarities

To be admitted to the final examination students must positively pass the assessment of their learning activity. The final examination can consist of:

  • a thesis dissertation (in English or in Italian) about one of the subjects studied during the degree course, written in an original way, under teacher supervision and with the help of one or more tutors, one of whom at least being a member of the degree course;
  • a written report of the laboratory project;
  • a report presentation concerning any experience gained during a period of internship among public or private authorities, institutions, companies and administrations, under the tutelage of an internship supervisor and of a teacher of the degree course.

The ability to synthesise and the quality of the presentation in both written and spoken form will be taken into account, in addition to the quality of the work, to evaluate the final examination papers.

About the School
